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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Breakout Stocks For You

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Dear Investor,

I welcome new members to our blog. Please review Lifecycle of Stock blog posted sometime back to understand How we pick stocks and answer our member questions. I have been inactive for sometime since nothing much is happening in the market.

Market has been strong since my last blog. Earnings kick off in few days. The basic mindset I recommend is to not to get caught up in sell off ( If it happens at all ).

Overall market(Market Maker) is positioned to take advantage of sell off that could come in next few weeks and they will keep it moving until the point you sell off. So be very careful about if you want to participate in sell off or you want to buy as the market makers are willing to.

Markets do not bounce back this hard until Mr Market Market(the people with big money) have faith in the rally to continue.

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Disclaimer: Please trade with your own judgment or with the help of investment advisor. We are not responsible for any financial losses.

Stop Loss: Sell Stock if it closes below this price. It tells you that market has proved you wrong. Accept it.

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